Eco Green Communities has compiled useful guides to educate and inform on various popular topics. The topic discussed in one of the guides is Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs).
They are orders which cover public areas in England and Wales. In public areas that are covered with PSPOs, the public must:
- keep dogs on leads
- put dogs on leads if told to by a police officer, police community support officer or someone from the council
- stop dogs going to certain places- like a farmland
- limit the number of dogs per person
- clear up after their dog
- carry a poop scoop and disposable bags
Eco Green Communities aims to tackle the last problem as many responsible dog owners sometimes forget to bring a dog waste bag. This leads to the problem of dog fouling. The problem of dog fouling has increased with 3.2 million pets welcomed into UK homes since the pandemic began.
Our environmental dog waste stations are placed in strategic outdoor spaces. The stations offer free 100% compostable dog waste bags encouraging dog owners to pick up after their dogs.
The 100% certified compostable dog bags have been a sought-after popular product for many years. They have a direct impact on reducing single-use plastic. Should the bags not be disposed of correctly, they will decompose in 190 days leaving no residue.
The stations offer a solution to the problem whilst also educating the community to take individual responsibility over their public space.
As well as fixing an age-old problem, the stations offer unique outdoor advertising to companies. The eco-smart exposure is perfect for companies looking to boost their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), allowing them to directly give back to the community.
The collaboration with councils and local authorities is vital in the erection and maintenance of our stations. The councils maintain the stock levels of our free 100% compostable bags and alert us if any damage is caused to the station. In this instance, the station will be replaced free of charge.
The problem of dog fouling won't be solved over night but with the PSPO orders in force and our stations offering a practical solution to councils, we are heading in the right direction. Click on the button below to read our useful guide on PSPOs.
Click here to access PSPO guide and more